Gutes Team

Can a good team become even better? Even before problems arise, it pays to invest in team development. Expert knowhow and diversity are necessary to address the complex issues that modern teams face. However, a team does not always make the most of this diversity - it often remains a group of individuals. Different communication styles and needs can collide and lead to open or hidden conflicts in the medium term. Preventive team development helps to recognize and address these tensions before they become manifest as a problem.. Continuous investing in a team prevents avoidable fluctuation and supports talent retention. In this matter, I offer sparring also for Human Resources or Learning and Development leads.

When Does it Make Sense to Develop Teams Preventively?

The classic case: You are the new leader of a team and want to make sure that you all have an optimal start into working together.

After all, well-functioning teams are not a matter of course (as, for example, described in this HBR article). Preventive team development for one means laying a good foundation for a great team culture right from the start. But even after that, it is important to maintain it regularly, e.g. with workshops on collaboration, retrospectives or to support for self-organization.

Like culture, a team naturally evolves on its own (a team actually cannot NOT evolve). But this development may not always happen in a direction that is desirable for the participants or the organization. It is therefore advisable to provide the right impulses from time to time, which bring the team on a productive course or help to keep a favourable course.

The time spent on this pays off in the same way that maintaining a machine or a yearly strategy retreat ultimately pays off. That's the only way teams will be ready to continue working in a growing company. By the way: The management team with its great impact on success must be able to collaborate particularly well in a growing company...

Teambuilding: Teamworkshop Motivation und High-Performing Team

How Does That Actually Work?

Preventive team development means regularly setting aside time every year for the sustainable development of the team. Depending on the company, we will determine (e.g. together with HR or management) which modules and focus areas make sense for their particular context.

The workshops involve those affected at various levels in such a way that they can contribute their own ideas and needs for sustainable implementation. Only if the context, needs and restrictions of the team and its leadership are taken into account is there a way to find applicable solutions. Therefore, I refrain from applying a 08/15 workshop, a specific Team Health software solution or a defined framework. Nevertheless, the following two flyers (in German) are examples of how such workshops can be structured.

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